Stone Therapy
Hot Stone Massage is a style of massage in which water-treated stones are placed at specific sites on the client’s body to promote relaxation and to help open up the merdians (energy pathways). Muscles are pretreated with the heated stones to allow the therapist to more easily perform deep tissue manipulations. Cool stones are sometimes used alternately with hot stones. Massage oils are usually incorporated into the massage treatment.
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
:: Promotes deep muscle and tissue relaxation
:: Alleviates stress
:: Releases toxins
:: Relieves pain
:: Improves circulation to healthy tissues
:: Promotes the Relaxation response; calms the sympathetic nervous
Health Conditions Treated With Hot Stone Massage
:: Muscular aches and pains
:: Back Pain
:: Arthritis
:: Fibromyalgia
:: Stress, Anxiety
:: Insomnia
:: Depression
:: Loss of sensation to skin
:: Lupus
:: Pregnancy
:: Fever
:: Infection present
:: Inflammatory conditions
:: Cardiac Conditions